Q14 Current Year Business (Regulation)

Business Ownership Interests (Current Year) - Regulation

This question is a continuation of the prior question relating to Business Ownership Interests that are subject to direct regulation by a state or municipal agency.  But, while the prior question pertained to ownership interests held in the prior calendar year, this question asks about ownership interests that you bought or sold AFTER that year and up to the date you file this form.  If you, your spouse or dependent child acquired or divested a business interest (10% ownership interest or a $5,000 or greater ownership or investment interest) after the last day of the calendar year for which you are filing this form, and if that business is subjected to direct regulation by a state or municipal agency, you must list the name and address of the business, a description of the interest including the date the interest was acquired and/or divested, and the name of the regulating agency.